A creative, personalized education has the power to catapult a child into a lifelong love of learning.
Our mission is to:
Give parents control over their child’s education.
Meet the unique needs of every student through personalized education plans and by creating a life-long love of learning.
Give students the high quality education they deserve.
Provide guidance and support for homeschool families.
“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promises.” Hebrews 10:23
A Message from the Founder
As a mom of a child who requires personalized education curriculum, several years ago I experienced first hand the failures of our public school education system. My son had a few special teachers who were wonderful and tried their best but the public school education system could not give my son what he needed because it is not designed to. He was an entire year behind when we started homeschooling. Thankfully, what was an awful experience at the time, turned out to be the best blessing I could ever ask for. Homeschooling allowed us to choose curriculum based on my son’s needs and learning style. It gave us the flexible schedule we needed to get him caught up to his grade level and to allow him the extra breaks he needed. After seeing the transformation in our son’s education, my husband and I decided to start homeschooling our other son when he was scheduled to enter Transitional Kindergarten. Through homeschooling, I was able to challenge him based on his needs and move him along at a quicker pace. Most importantly, homeschooling has given me the most wonderful memories with my children. You never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Homeschooling is a wonderful gift but it is not easy. I was able to do it so well because I had a kind and knowledgeable person there to support me, guide me, and offer me her wisdom. This is what I offer to give to you. Our children are the future and we need to make sure they are protected and given the best education possible. Promises School K-12 assists families with these goals and strives to make it possible for all children to receive the education they deserve. For families who cannot homeschool, we offer parents and guardians the freedom to choose the curriculum they want to use to meet their child’s needs through our Independent-Study program. We recognize that education is not “one size fits all,” and that children have unique needs. We believe all families should have the freedom to choose an education program to meet every child’s unique needs and allow for flexibility. Our Independent- Study program offers curriculum that is engaging and can be tailored to your child’s interests. It offers parents the opportunity to spend more quality time with their children but it is designed in a way that parents can choose their level of involvement. Our newest program, Promises Academy, was designed to give children the gift of a biblical worldview foundation and an education that encourages critical thinking. Regardless of which program you decide is best for your family, Promises School K-12 will be there for you.
-Founder of Promises School K-12